This week, the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary announced the UK Government's new 'Beating Crime Plan'. This plan shows the Conservatives care about making our communities and streets safer, as we promised in 2019.
What are we doing under the plan?
- We’re expanding the use of electronic monitoring so burglars and thieves will have their whereabouts monitored 24 hours a day upon release from prison.
- We’re permanently relaxing conditions on the use of section 60 stop and search powers to empower police to take more knives off the streets
- We’re making unpaid work more visible by getting offenders to clean up streets, alleys, estates, and open spaces, and ensuring justice is seen to be done
- We’re investing over £45m in specialist support in both mainstream schools and Alternative Provision, including mental health professionals, family workers, and speech and language therapists, in serious violence hotspots to support young people at risk of involvement in violence to re-engage in education.
- We’re introducing a new £17m package for Violence Reduction Units to provide high-intensity therapeutic and specialist support from trained youth workers, including at crisis points such as when a young person is being admitted to A&E with a knife injury or upon arrest, to divert them away from violence.
These will help make our streets safer for all across North Wales and beyond.