Wrexham Unemployment Lowest since 2008 Unemployment has fallen again in Wrexham, with the number of people claiming JobSeekers Allowance now at its lowest since December 2008. According to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), unemployment in Wrexham now stands at 3.1%. Wrexham Conservatives have welcomed the news:“This is more good news for Wrexham. “These latest figures clearly show that Wrexham is benefiting from the Government’s long-term economic plan. “Every new job created is another family with the security of a regular pay-packet. “However, there is still more work to do, with unemployment in our town being higher than national and regional averages. “Only by sticking with the Conservatives’ long-term economic plan will we see unemployment continue to fall”. The number of people claiming JobSeekers allowance in Wrexham stands at 1338, whilst the number of jobs available in Wrexham stands at 1159, according to the Job Centre’s JobSearch. Nationally, unemployment has continued to fall, with another quarter of a million people in work, unemployment at a 6 year low, and a record number of people working.