Welcome to the Website of Wrexham Conservatives.
We are an Association of members that is affiliated to the Conservative Party and whose political objective is to return Conservative candidates at all levels of Government - something which we achieved when Wrexham returned its first Conservative MP ever in December 2019.
The Association has elected officers who are responsible for the day to day running of both the financial and political operations on behalf of its members. The officers report to an executive management committee.
Association members have the responsibility for the interviewing and selection of all our candidates for the local council, the Welsh Assembly & for Westminster. Unlike other political parties, we do not receive any financial assistance from central office. All our campaign and running costs are raised locally by our members and their friends. These people are prepared to give some of their spare time and effort to ensure the Conservative message is heard in Wrexham. We are a very active group of people, drawn from all walks of life, who believe that individual rights and freedom should be accompanied by personal responsibility. We believe that there should be less government interference in our lives, fewer bureaucrats and that a flourishing private industry is the way forward for our Country.
However, it’s not all about politics. We have an enjoyable social programme throughout the year with hog roasts, supper clubs, coffee mornings, lunches and dinners etc.
If you share our beliefs then why not join us?
Details of how to get involved are on the website.
Wrexham Conservative Association